Hotels and CafesHotels and Cafes

Hotels and Cafes

Use WiFi as a tool for communication, customer loyalty, advertising, and location analysis

Cupertino, CA
4,000 Sq Ft
Super Ink
Hotels and CafesHotels and CafesHotels and CafesHotels and CafesHotels and CafesHotels and CafesHotels and Cafes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris et arcu euismod ligula rhoncus porta. Nulla facilisi. Proin facilisis consectetur nulla, ultricies imperdiet felis feugiat non. Duis semper viverra orci, eget porttitor eros varius vel. Mauris ultrices nibh sed congue malesuada. Mauris varius tincidunt nunc vitae tristique.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris et arcu euismod ligula rhoncus porta. Nulla facilisi. Proin facilisis consectetur nulla, ultricies imperdiet felis feugiat non. Duis semper viverra orci, eget porttitor eros varius vel. Mauris ultrices nibh sed congue malesuada. Mauris varius tincidunt nunc vitae tristique.

Hotels and Cafes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris et arcu euismod ligula rhoncus porta. Nulla facilisi. Proin facilisis consectetur nulla, ultricies imperdiet felis feugiat non. Duis semper viverra orci, eget porttitor eros varius vel. Mauris ultrices nibh sed congue malesuada. Mauris varius tincidunt nunc vitae tristique.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris et arcu euismod ligula rhoncus porta. Nulla facilisi. Proin facilisis consectetur nulla, ultricies imperdiet felis feugiat non. Duis semper viverra orci, eget porttitor eros varius vel. Mauris ultrices nibh sed congue malesuada. Mauris varius tincidunt nunc vitae tristique.

Hotels and CafesHotels and CafesHotels and CafesHotels and Cafes

Free WiFi is now common courtesy for retailers, companies, medium-sized companies, and industrial customers. Customers and visitors want a fast, secure, and stable mobile Internet in addition to a pleasant atmosphere while staying in shops or department stores. You want to bridge waiting times, compare offers and prices, and use social media. We have rethought WiFi for chain stores: Use your network as an additional platform for customer information, advertising, and analysis.

Thus, the offered access to the Internet not only increases the quality of stay, but is also another measure to increase customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and trust. In addition, the Blackwell Core Group's WiFi solution offers a professional, highly secure WiFi concept that can be used to connect employee tablets and the POS system. Our solution is complemented by a highly professional managed service concept with service level agreements adapted to the customer.

Fast and easy connectivity for retail and chain stores

Use the Blackwell Core Group's innovative and highly secure WiFi concept to complement your media sales concept. Our secure and user-friendly infrastructure enables effortless digital communication with your customers and helps you to make your internal processes and procedures more efficient.


The Benefits: WiFi Solutions for Retail & Chain stores

Are you looking for a secure IT solution for your department store, branch, or store?  Let us convince you of the advantages of the Blackwell Core Group’s solutions for retail commerce.

Easy Internet access

Your customers do not have to register in order to access your network. It is not necessary to enter personal data.Thanks to the secure and simple WiFi login, you can start surfing directly and securely.

Solution from a single source

The Blackwell Core Group solutions provide your customers with free and stable Internet access in your store. With built-in marketing and analytics capabilities, you can place targeted marketing campaigns and customer surveys.

Customer loyalty and engagement

Happy customers are loyal customers: With the OCMP you always have the behaviour of your customers in view. With the right content, you can turn interested people into customers and thus ensure greater visibility of your location.

Simple campaign planner

Use your WiFi and the Omni-Channel Management Platform for timed and customizable marketing campaigns. For example, you can place a newsletter registration or play advertising banners.

High flexibility

Thanks to high scalability and cloud-based management, you are always flexible. You can broadcast WiFi advertising, surveys, and digital signage at any time and easily adapt them to your current needs.

Advertising at the Point of Sale

Control your new in-house advertising channel and expand your marketing strategy. Use the channel for self-promotion or place discount promotions on the screens – directly at the point of sale.